The Importance of SEL in Adults and Children
The number on question I hear from parents is, “What is social-emotional learning (SEL) and what difference does it make?” Here’s how I answer that question – with one important note that’s dear to my heart – SEL isn’t just great for kids, it’s essential for the adults teaching and caring for them, too. SEL […]
5 Reasons to Use Press Releases to Promote Your Blog 5 Reasons to Use Press Releases to Promote Your Blog Blog Promotion 15 comments This guest post is by Jiyan Wei, director of product management for PRWeb. Creating content on a blog is just one aspect of being a productive blogger—you’ve written the content, but now what? How are you going to promote your […]
The 4 Golden Rules of Being a Writer
The 4 Golden Rules of Being a Writer Here are four lessons about writing and finding an agent that I have learned the hard way. I hope you will read them and save yourself a lot of time and trouble. It is hard to calculate writing time, but I would estimate that, over the past […]
Dr. Seuss
7 Curious Facts About 7 Dr. Seuss Books from by David K. Israel – September 9, 2010 – 11:56 AM 1. Hop on Pop In an early draft of the book, Theodor S. Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) wanted to make sure his publisher, Bennett Cerf, was reading the manuscripts he was turning in, so […]
Considering a Writing Conference? The 10 Best in United States
The 10 Best Writing Conferences in the United States Filed in Business / Career By Guest on August 5th, 2010 The following article is a guest post from Sarah Snow. Writing is a constantly evolving craft. If you consider yourself a writer, it is important that you hone your skills on a regular basis. The […]
virtual book tour gary smailes
Virtual Book Tours: How To Set Up And Run A Successful Book Tour by Gary Smailes in Proactive Writer,Promote your book To successfully promote your book you need to be able to influence potential readers from all across the web. One very effective method of increasing the recognition of your book, influencing new readers […]
The 4 Story Structures that Dominate Novels
The 4 Story Structures that Dominate Novels August 24, 2010 by Orson Scott Card All stories contain four elements that can determine structure: milieu, idea, character and event. Here’s a look at each one and how each will affect your novel. All stories contain four elements that can determine structure: milieu, idea, character and event. While […]
Grants and fellowships for writers GRANTS. FELLOWSHIPS. RESIDENCIES. RESOURCES. Mira’s List is a resource for artists, writers, composers and others in the arts. Here you will find up-to-date information, great links, interviews with artists and deadlines for grants, fellowships and international residencies. Money, time and a place to create. [GMU Creative Writing Web Guide] National Endowment for the […]
Getting to know you: How to build your fanbase
What Your Readers and Book Buyers Want to Know About You and What You Need to Know About Them By Dorothy Thompson What should authors concentrate on when answering questions in interviews or just what they should do to create the most impact on their book buying public without becoming overbearing, pompous or downright horn-tooting obnoxious. […]
7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, by Catherine Gildiner
1. Writing is a job. Writing is a job not a vocation or an avocation. If you want to be a success at it, treat it like the most important part of your day. Don’t do it when all else is done. Lots of women do this sort of thing. They think they have to […]