Rayne Lacko is the author of The Secret Song of Shelby Rey, My Life Journal, Dream Up Now: The Teen Journal for Self-Discovery and A Song For The Road, a social-emotional learning-themed Young Adult novel, and Eric Hoffer Book Award honorable mention.
An expert in social-emotional learning, Rayne is the founder of SEL Solutions Pre K-12.
Rayne delivers lectures in creative writing, English Composition, and social-emotional learning (SEL), and trains educators to integrate SEL in classroom settings.
Her short fiction and poetry appear in Writer’s Digest, Ariel Chart International Literary Journal, Gravel, Mixtape Methodology, and Poetry Corners Anthology 2023. She has contributed to several publications to help families and teens stimulate change, help themselves and others, and be a force for good. She served as president of Bainbridge Performing Arts and is a volunteer assistance dog trainer for canine programs serving hospitalized children and children in trauma testifying in Washington courts.
Literary: Brooke Warner, SparkPress
Fiction Publicist: J. Layne Mandros, Books Forward
Nonfiction Publicist: Amanda Shofner, Free Spirit Publishing