5 Tips for Writing More, Writing Better. Cultivating a laser-beam focus
Last week, we lost our Internet connection for more than two full days. The initial shock rendered me temporarily immobile. What could I possibly do? I couldn’t work without connection to the outside world…. could I? No, the pain and discomfort was too much to face. I decided instead to get my car keys and […]
Anne Lamott’s tips for growing your creative spirit–and sense of purpose.
I offer you a guest-post of sorts today in the form of excerpts from Time Lost and Found by author Anne Lamott which I just found in the always pleasing Sunset magazine. As a mother who is a freelance writer and editor working from home, I often place my own needs (especially creative diversions) at the […]
Writing And Blogging: “The Good Way”
Today’s guest-post will inspire bloggers and writers seeking to sharpen skills, improve clarity and have more fun! It was written by Of Parchments and Inks, a blog authored by “Brown Eyed Mystic.” The Brown Eyed Mystic makes these observations, “You may have a reason to blog; and even if you have none, writing in a corner […]
Writing And Blogging Can Improve Your Health!
Last night, my husband and I were discussing the future of blogging. With so many social media outlets–most of which requiring only a sentence or less, did blogging have a future? It’s easy to jump to “yes!”, especially if you are a writer who simply must write, or if you generate an income from your blog. However, […]