How to Win Friends and Influence Readers
How to Win Friends and Influence Readers A guest post by Katie Tallo of Momentum Gathering. The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most. ~ Dale Carnegie Every blogger searches for that royal road. We want to touch the real lives of our readers – […]
I have to sell my book as well as write it?
This is a guest post from Paul Lonergan, an author, a ghost-writer and a copywriter. For more than 20 years he’s been using words to sell everything from stock-broking services to beauty products to industrial cleaning products and more. And the big secret? The product might change but the techniques don’t. It’s all just product… […]
Writer’s Vacation
Writer’s Vacation Posted by Shonna Slayton Published in Creativity I’m convinced that a writer takes a vacation quite differently than most people (photographers and other artists notwithstanding.) Planning: If at all possible, the writer will finagle an entire family vacation around the future setting of her next book. No matter if the book takes place […]
10 tips for naming characters
Name That Character: Top Ten Tips There are a plethora of movie character names that become everlasting brands in American culture: Rocky, Yoda, Forrest Gump, and Shrek to name a few. And when it comes to naming characters, you want to choose wisely, which is no easy task. Fiction Writing Chapter Two: Character Name Crisis! […]
20 Questions to Help Improve Your Dialogue
Paulo Campos at Yingle Yangle 20 Questions to Help Improve Your Dialogue One of the biggest let-downs as a reader is weak dialogue in a story successful in every other way. I think, “people do not talk this way,” over and over. I read The Stand a few months ago. I enjoyed it so much […]
10 tips for great storytelling from a PowerPoint novelist 10 tips for great storytelling from a PowerPoint novelist Doug Kim 18 Aug 2010 9:00 AM Comments 1 People do astonishing things with PowerPoint, but author Jennifer Egan has brought PowerPoint into a whole new level: literature. She’s written a chapter of her latest novel, “A Visit From the Goon Squad,” (Knopf) entirely in […]
Five Rules of Exposition Exposition: Five Rules EXPOSITION: FIVE RULES One of the tricks is to have the exposition conveyed in a scene of conflict, so that a character is forced to sway things you want the audience to know. As, for example, if he is defending himself against somebody’s attack, his words or defense seem justified even […]
successful query sample
The 40th installment in this series is with agent Meredith Kaffel (Charlotte Sheedy Literary) and her author, Anastasia Hopcus, for her young adult paranormal novel, Shadow Hills, which came out July 13 from Egmont. School Library journal said this about the book: “Even characters with minimal roles are fleshed out via Hopcus’s rich use of […]
The 4 Golden Rules of Being a Writer
The 4 Golden Rules of Being a Writer Here are four lessons about writing and finding an agent that I have learned the hard way. I hope you will read them and save yourself a lot of time and trouble. It is hard to calculate writing time, but I would estimate that, over the past […]
5 Reasons to Use Press Releases to Promote Your Blog 5 Reasons to Use Press Releases to Promote Your Blog Blog Promotion 15 comments This guest post is by Jiyan Wei, director of product management for PRWeb. Creating content on a blog is just one aspect of being a productive blogger—you’ve written the content, but now what? How are you going to promote your […]