Aspiring children’s book authors! Submit your manuscript to MeeGenius

To commemorate National Literacy Month this September, MeeGenius!, a new reading, bookstore and publishing app for kids that features word highlighting, audio playback and story personalization, is holding a nationwide search to discover and publish aspiring children’s book authors.

The contest, which kicks off September 16th, invites parents and children to submit an original manuscript via the MeeGenius! Web site. Each winning story will be published and illustrated on MeeGenius!, with a chance to win one of four iPad grand prizes and four second place iTouch prizes. Every winner will have his or her book published via MeeGenius! for all to download and enjoy – sharing a percentage of the revenue with MeeGenius! The contest ends October 16th.

To enter, (and for official rules and details) click here.

About MeeGenius!: Founded by parents Wandy Yeap Hoh and David Park, MeeGenius! is unique in its ability to digitize children’s classics and brings them to life with features such as word highlighting, audio playback and story personalization. The $1.99 application can be downloaded from iTunes and is among the top ten paid book apps on the site.  It was highlighted in iTunes’ as “New and Noteworthy,” then “What’s Hot,” and most recently as an iPad “Staff Favorite.”

Authors and illustrators may visit to learn more about publishing with MeeGenius!.

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