One for you, one for schools!

todayThis Giving Tuesday (Today, November 29), for every Yoobi item purchased on or a Yoobi owned retail store, Yoobi will double their give back! (If you aren’t familiar with Yoobi, for every item purchased, they donate an item to a classroom in need, more details below.) Today, for every item purchased, Yoobi will donate two Yoobi items to a classroom in need in the United States.

If you’re a writer, Yoobi is a fabulous resource for pens, notebooks and journals, office supplies, organizational systems, and other useful items for the business of writing. 

Yoobi makes colorful, vibrant tools that spark learning and creativity from office and school supplies to fun stationery and craft items! Not only did they want to perk up the supplies aisle, but they wanted to help solve a very big problem. Many kids in the U.S. don’t have access to basic school supplies, unless teachers pay for them out of their own pocket, which averages out to $485 per teacher per year, for a collective total of $1.6 billion a year. In just 2 short years, Yoobi has impacted over 2 million kids with their mission and hope this Giving Tuesday only continues to impact more!

They will also be doing a social media GIVE. If you retweet @yoobigives’ designated #GivingTuesday tweet tomorrow, they will donate an item to a classroom in need for every retweet! Tweet this:

It’s ! RETWEET THIS and will donate an item into a classroom pack. It’s that simple!

It’s such a great and easy way to give back!
