Sell More Books with Calls To Action at the End of Story

A good book makes you want to live in the story. A great book gives you no choice. When a reader comes to the end of your novel, he or she lives in the world of your characters. If the story was compelling enough to get to the last word, chances are good this reader wants MORE. More of what you, lovely author, have to offer.

Putting calls to action in the back of your book is a form of passive marketing that will help you to sell more books. You only need to set up these calls to action once and you’re done–but they will continue working to help you to sell books. has some excellent ideas for directing readers where you are mostly likely to keep them as a reader–or better yet, a fan.

Below are Book Marketing Tools’ call to action ideas that you can strategically place in the back of your book to encourage your readers to buy more books from you–or connect with you so they are more likely to buy from you in the future!

6 Calls to Action To Put In The Back Of Your Book

1. The link to your homepage. This is a simple one, but putting the link to your website at the end of your book will help to guide the readers to your website, where you will hopefully have appealing bonus content, as well as your other books listed for sale. If your website URL is only listed in the front of the book, your readers may never go back to the front of the book when they are finished reading. Put the link in the back of the book as well.

2. A bonus offer if they sign up to your mailing list. Inform your readers that they can get a special bonus if they go to your website and sign up for your free mailing list. Bonus offer ideas might include additional worksheets for a nonfiction book, art, a novelette about your main character, or a sneak preview to your upcoming book. Once you have a mailing list setup, then you can notify each person on the mailing list every time you have a new book coming up.

3. A chapter of another book of yours. This works great if you have a series of books. They will keep reading since they are already at the end of the book, and you can end the first chapter of the next book with a cliffhanger (and a call to action to buy the book). Be sure to promote the additional content such as a chapter from the next book, in your book description.

Read tips 4, 5 and 6 HERE! 

Book Marketing Tools exists to empower authors with tools, education, and community to help them sell more books. Their Ultimate Author Checklist for Book Marketing online is a FREE guide that helps authors to make sure they have done all of the important steps for creating their book marketing engine. Click here to get this free guide.
What Calls or Action have been successful in your book marketing plan? Comment below or tweet me @TheRJLacko
