Calling all teen creative writers! It’s time for our monthly Teen Writers Group. We will meet the second Thursday of every month, throughout the school year. Our first meeting is:
Thurs. Sept. 8th
3:30 to 5:00
at Bainbridge Public Library

Looking forward to seeing returning writers, and hoping to see new faces. Please bring a friend who likes to write!
This free, drop-in group is for Grades 7-12, sponsored by Kitsap Regional Library and BARN Writers.
We’ll write, have a snack, and you can meet 1:1 with me or Middle Grade author Margaret Nevinski. We always allow time to share your work aloud, if you’d like some encouraging peer feedback.
For our first meeting, we’ll brainstorm our list of writing topics for the year. What do YOU want to learn about? Last year, we delved into writing scenes featuring: love, death, fighting, comedy, a first kiss, and school issues. We explored revision techniques, and prepping for publication. Should we revisit these topics on a deeper level, or venture into new territory? Bring your ideas!
See you this Thursday.